Friday, November 19, 2010

LGBT: Do you ever feel awkward talking to your parents or anybody about your sexuality?

I had the most uncomfortable conversation with my mom yesterday while driving around. It was the first time we had an actual convo about me being gay, and I hope it's the last.

It was so weird trying to explain to her how happy this girl that I have a crush on, makes me. To top things off, I kissed a girl by Katy Perry started playing like 10 minutes later. She's like ';wow, this is quite fitting, huh?'; I almost broke the window, I smacked my head against it so hard.

Does this happen to you with your parents, or anybody for that matter?

MQ: Tell me something I probably don't know about you.

Errr, I need an idea for a hug!

How's, PigletHugs?

I know, Jennah, they're getting worse lol.LGBT: Do you ever feel awkward talking to your parents or anybody about your sexuality?
my mom asked me the funniest question when i came out to her. I told her i was bi and she said, ';you should just stick with girls, what can a guy give you that girl can't?'; I honestly said,';do you really want me to answer that.'; She just told me to shut up. lolLGBT: Do you ever feel awkward talking to your parents or anybody about your sexuality?
Yeah I've had to before. It's really awkward for me, and all my friends think it's a game.
omgg... my friend was trying to convince me that i was bisexual! HAHAHAH... i mean, i am definitely gay! and she was declaring me bisexual!

so, this conversation makes the whole thing weird because she told me that other people feel the same.. they think i am bisexual! hahah lmao..

how about.. *DonkeyHugs!*
No...I'm straight, but I would totally dread that conversation!!

I just never talk to my parents about stuff like that and don't want to. That's why we have understanding friends, thankfully.

oh man! i'm sorry. i laughed and feel your pain.

i usually only talk about it with friends, and since most of 'em are huge they just crack lame jokes. i don't really talk about it much, though, cuz i'm not even sure what i am, you know?

MQ: name is Emily. hahah.
lol it can get awkward. it's only because we are all taught it should be awkward. I personally think it shouldnt be. But whom am i kidding, i'd rather smash my head against the wall 10 times than talk about sexuality to anyone closed enuff that im not allowed to breed with. But i think society should start making a change. i swear on my life that i shall teach my children so that whether they're gay or straight they have absolutely no problem with it.
LOL that's funny!

I'm not out to my mom yet, but I think that she knows. In our shared quirky way, whenever anything gay comes up relating to me, there's this innuendo in her voice, like ';Oh, so you LIKE Brooke Smith, eh?'; nudge nudge wink wink.

Moms are strange creatures.

MP: I watched Xena: WP today simply because I wanted to see this scene with Xena and Gabrielle bathing in a spring. I'm a total lesbian perve.

*Wolf nuzzle tackle hugs*
Hahaha yeahhhhh that's happened to me a lottt.

My mom once asked me how girls ';do it';.... I wanted to jump out of my 3rd floor window hoping that I'd break my neck or something.

MQ: *twitches*

I twitch when I'm tired... it's strange.
I honestly don't. I always figure if they ask then they want to know.

MQ: I can snap my fingers on my left hand but not my right hand. I am right handed.

Im bi...but Im mostly into guys. I don't tell my parents about my sexuality...they're so ignorant about sexuality...its mostly them who feel uncomfortable if they even mention sex while Im around. Im almost 18 but they pretend Im still a little girl. I like talking about sex with my two closest friends though....they understand more and it doesn't make me feel awkward at all. LOL....I kissed a girl started playing?...Ummm Im not sure what you're talking about though there at the end...and whose Jennah haha....
My mom doesn't know I'm gay, but I'm pretty sure she suspects it so it is very awkward and it frustrating when the subject of anything homosexual pops up and everyone in my family has to put their two cents in on how screwed up it is...It makes me sad.

I do feel I can tell my best friend anything, she makes me feel so at ease when I'm with her.

MQ: I should be writing a speech right now, but I can't seem to tear myself away from the computer.
Haha, this happens all the time. Whenever my mom finds out I have a boyfriend she'll ask me ridiculous questions until I'm beat red and ready to throw myself under a speeding car. Like the other day we were in the pharmacy isle of a store and out of the blue she starts asking what condoms we use.

MQ: I'm going to go to school to become a teacher
It is VERY awkward. I prefer to just avoid the topic actually, like, it really shouldnt matter TOO much :)

MQ; I hate showers, and being clean. Yuck :P

Okay, hugs....

MuddleCuddle, PineappleHugs, Tummysqueeze, GentleEmbrace, PugHug, Armsaroundyou, Warmhold, Hugstootight, lovingarms, CaramelCupcakeHugs, Unrequitedhug, CuddlePot, HoneyHugs, WinniethepoohBearhugs, SidearmHug, Hugs+Patsontheback, ColdCamelHugs, SpiderHugging, HugeHug, FrenchHug, specialhugging,SuperDooperhug, BlueHugs, TurtleHugs, ReligiouslylovableCuddle, BigbirdHug, SmugHug, GigglesandCuddles, HumongousHugness, CutiePieCuddles, Huggies, JumboHugs, Hugglingtonthethird, Revheadhugs, TweetyHugging, GuildedWarmness, OhnoesLovableHuggy, YummyHug, KarateHug, HoneyHug, GrandmastylesquishHug, OldpeopleHug, SlobberyHug, ArmsinArms,Hug-a-lug,KudosCuddle, bakedHug, ChocolateyHugging, Warmandlovingness, Huggykins, Wrapyourarmsaround, Holdsyoutight, RainbowHug, SummerHugging, SeasonsGreetings=Hug, Huuuuuuuggg, Cuddleupclose, CupcakeCuddle, Hugbomb, Hugmebabe, KiddoCuddle, superscaryhug, HaloweenHugattack, Cuddlemepurple, Hug-una matata, Oldfashionedhug, ProperEttiquetteCuddle, ColdCuddle, EvilNastyHugofDeath!, Muahahahahhug, lollipop-hug, GinourmousHugtime, WannaHug, Kissandhug, peckonthecheek, delightfulhug, HelpfulHug, Awkwardhug, Bananabreadhug, thatonehugyousaveforacquantainces, ....ummmm, more?

*Hugs and Burnt cupcakes!!*

(It's okay, i covered them with cant tell!)
I always find it awkward at first. :(
Lmao! How AWKWARD!!!

I haven't told my family and I don't plan on it, ever. I really don't care if they know. My brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews are totally cool about gay people and stuff. But the thing is that in my family, we like to poke fun at people (in a good, just for laughs way). If they knew I was a lesbian they would say things like ';oh no, nude girl scene, close your eyes!,'; like during a movie or something. Just little things like that. I can't handle the embarrassment. :P My mom (and maybe my dad), on the other hand, would freak out!

With my friends, it's a totally different story. They know and they're cool with it. They love when I talk to them about sex with girls or me liking girls, etc. They think it's fascinating. But I still think it's REALLY awkward when they ask me things like, ';would you go down on her?'; I tell my friends everything but that doesn't keep me from feeling a tad of awkwardness. =D

Sorry this is so long.

MQ: my favorite movie is Free Willy.
I have never had that conversation with anyone besides my friends. I would never tell my parents that I am bi. First of all, its obviously very embarrassing, and second of all, I'm not even sure if I'm bi at all. It might just be hormones for all I know!

I know how you feel when you talk about how happy that girl makes you. I really like one of my friends and I always find myself staring at her all the time. I also have a jounal that I used to write down my thoughts about her. It's so confusing and weird, but it feels so right. She knows i'm bi but doesn't think anything of it.

Hmmm...I love sushi. Lol totally random!
That would be awkward! Im not out to my parents although I think they suspect it because we were having dinner and my mum said I don't mind gay people and my dad agreed I think they were trying to get me to say well Im gay! Thinking about it now I probably should have just told them then but was to scared!

MQ: I'm in love with a guy from my work who is leaving next week, he is gay but I'm to scared to try anything with him, when I text him he only sometimes replies!
I totally know what you mean....I agree with the person who said its awkward when sexuality comes up and the whole family has to comment on what they think of it. I mean none of them know im Bi but Jeeze with some things they say its like ok F*ck i ain't telling them now.

I was at a funeral once, and we was at the wake and they was talking about some Bi guy they knew and my whole family went on to say that Bi people are worse they like the best of both worlds i would never sleep with a man if he had been with a man and then the same for a man on woman he went no even though its a turn on i know there is much more competition out there than just the men now.... They was like just pick a f*cking side, i could feel my face burning as heck cos i knew they would ask me what i thought, so i said who cares? Be proud..Hahaha i am soooo diff to my family its strange...

MQ: Erm... I am in fact a natural blonde, a really dirty dark blonde.

I feel kind of awkward telling my dad that I prefer to do it doggy style, when he likes me better on top
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