Friday, November 19, 2010

SHY GUYS please give your opinion!?

Should I ask my crush to Prom?

I really like this guy and I want him to ask me to prom. We both know each other, but dont really talk to each other. Since proms 2 months away, i need to start working on him. We have no classes together and I can only see him before/after school and inbetween classes. And he is reallyyyyy shyyy

A day ago we had a conversation:

Me: Hey ____

__: Hey Me

Me: How was you weekend?

__: Good, how was yours?

Me: Good (then it had to stop because I was walking up the stairs

Then yesterday, while I was walking down the hallway leaving to go to the bus, we made eye contact and at the same time he said ';Hi Me '; and smiled while I said ';Seeya ___';

Lastly today, at school there was a 3v3 tourny and our team ended up playing his team. we were losing badly so we were all joking around and i was making everyone laugh a bit. At the end, he came up to me and with a big smile said ';Good game ___';. Does that show interest?

What do you think? If I should how should I hint it to him? What if he already has a date?SHY GUYS please give your opinion!?
Though some guys may be offended by being asked, it's no longer only the guy's prerogative to do the asking. That he talks with you shows he is open to more but, it will need more than ';in passing'; comments to tell how much more. You need to get together and talk. If he is _that_ shy (I know how he feels 'cause I was and, at 60yo, still am) You will need to make the moves. Use an old standby. Drop your books in front of him and after he (hopefully) helps you pick them up, say ';Thanks, Hey, Can I buy you a Coke';? That has always been a good way to make time for getting acquainted. Shy or not, the best tactic is to come right out with it. Try: ';Look, I think you are nice and I'd really like us to be friends';. ';What do you think? Have I got a chance';? If that doesn't break the ice he may be hopeless but, if you get him to smile and laugh with you, you have opened the door. Eventually, if he doesn't ask, you do it! Say,';___ I don't have a date for the Prom yet. If you don't I'd like it if we could go together';. ';Whadayasay';? If he does have a date at least you have a new friend and, if he is really worth having, well... ';all's fair in love and war';!

Good luck.SHY GUYS please give your opinion!?
Since he personally came up to you at the end of the game and said ';Good game'; then yeah i think he mite like you being shy and all, only thing is if hes shy he may turn you down to the prom, which is a shame, although just asking him if hes got is a date should be simple if hes shy he will probably love that, chances are he has asked any one yet.

Go for it
Just chat to him normally, like any other friend would.

Once you guys are comfortable, then ask him if he has any prom plans.

If yes, just say cool and move on, without letting on that you are bothered.

If no, then continue the conversation - hint that you don't have anyone to go with as yet.

Good luck!
Ask him if he has any plans, if he doesn't have any, ask him if he wants to go with you. He might say yes, or say no, but it's better than just not telling at all. Not telling would be just painful, seeing him with someone else. I've been down that sort of road. It was the worst. Don't be making the mistake of not showing how you feel towards him.
Just be like, ';Yo, BROSEPH, You going to prom with anyone?';

Then he be like: ';Yo, no, yo!'; or ';Yeah, *insert name here*.';

You could always just ask him...I'm sure he'd happily go with two girls...
Start a frindship b4 askin him to prom. Talk to him more and be cute and funy.

Answer mine?;_ylt=AkMjseCWHYqCRuPfox0S5pYgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100225112321AAjUBK4
';I know it's a coupla months away, but, wanna go to the prom with me?';

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