I'm a Cashier and a grocery store..
There is a new guy that works in produce..He's pretty new, I'll say he's been there 2 months..
For some reason I think he's so cute, he's sort of nerdy looking he looks like a 1960's school teacher lol.. With the dark brown hair, eyes, and glasses..
I've never talked to him really, except for hello and thanks, and that's when he came through my line before.. I don't know how to start up a conversation with him.. I told a few coworkers/Friends I trust about my crush.. One of them offered to let him know when I'm ready to tell him.
How Can I talk to this person? I found out he's 25 and I'm 26... But I don't know how to find out if he has a gf or not.. I haven't dated since 2005, I'm rusty and don't know how to flirt or anything anymore..
His cousin started working at the store also.. He's a packer, he doesn't seem very approachable to me so I don't I'll get any info out of him..
I haven't had a crush on anyone in a really long time.. Don't know how to pursue anything.
Please give me your advice!What would you do in this situation?
well seeing as you work in a grocery store, i am sure there are a few people that go out and hang, if not then get some of the crew together and invite him, that is the easiest wayWhat would you do in this situation?
get brave and talk to him. ask him if he would like to have lunch one day. this way he maybe will let you know if he has a girl friend or not. or plan a small get together at home and ask him over. tell him to bring his girl friend and wait and see if he does. tell others to have dates also. maybe this way someone in the store will hear him talk about the small gathering in some way and find out if has a girlfriend.good luck
heres wat i would do. the next time you see him alone like eatn lunch or something, and u have time, sit next to him n say hi, then say somethig like ';ugh...busy day'; n maybe just maybe u can start a conversation.then like at the end of that kinda ask him like so where r u from n stuff like that n u mite find out that u guys have some stuff in common.then like at the end kinda say ';we should go hang out sometimes and get some coffe'; or something.then ull end up becoming friends, and itll be easier to talk to him.
i hope i helped^^
just say hi to him and ask him questions about himself and strike up a conversation. if it goes well, ask him out.
Well first off merely ask him or tell him how you feel, but if you like me and a little too shy to do that try pretending to be clumsy and ';accidently'; drop something when he's looking or is right next to you and if its some thing big and heavy he might try to help you and that i think is a great ice breaker!!
Good Luck and God Bless!!!
make up some excuse to talk to him. then try to start a conversation with him. then say something like ';so wat r u doing next weekend?'; if hes free offer to go to the movies or something. this is a great way 2 get info outa him, cause u never know if on that weekend he might have a date with someone else
I would say just be yourself, smile or ask him to lunch on a lunch break or something. compliment his glasses or something. 1 year won't make any difference, and the best way to gain confidence is a fling/romance. Good luck!! :)
No offense, but you're CRAZY! Here's what you do, tell Napolean Dynamite your feelings, but make it look like a complete accident, as if it just sorta sliped out. Don't just walk over to him %26amp; tell him ';hey man, I like you';, but do tell him something like this, ';Yea, so someone started a rumor that I liked you.....Of course, they'd feel like a moron, if they were to find out that the rumor were true.'; Or something along the lines of that.
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