Tuesday, November 16, 2010

(GIRLS) Please Explain This Girl To Me?? PLEASE!! I NEED YOUR HELP?

Right here's the thing, i met this girl when i was in year 7 of senior school, and i thought it was a little crush i had on her, but i still have the feelings now, and ive just finished year 11, i cant really do anything because she has a boyfriend at the moment and to be honest, hes not a nice guy......there's something else too, she used to say we were best friends, but whenever i invited her to do something as friends, like i do with all my other friends, she always said she was busy.....';busy'; every-time i asked her to do something as friends in the 5 years ive known her.....and she has never ever asked me to do something as friends, not once in five years..she goes out all the time with her other friends....when on msn she never starts a conversation with me, it always me who starts one with her, and she always says how much she loves me as a friend, whenever i talk to her about it, i tell her that she must be making it up and she doesn't mean it, and she says she does......i tell her about the never going out as friends thing......even though she goes out with all of her other friends all of the time, and she never explains it to me, and then she says something like, its not just me, you've been acting like im not a good enough friend...but i only started acting like that because of how she treats me. And she also has no idea the way i feel about her, because i never told her and she has a boyfriend now so i cant yet.

So here's my questions

1. Does She Like Me?

2. Does she even consider me as a friend?

3.Why would she never go out with me as friends in 5 years, when she does with all her other friends, is she ashamed to be seen with me, because none of my other friends are?

4.Why would she try to turn it around onto me whenever i try and talk to her about it??

5. I tell her that i don't care if she hates me and i don't care about her hurting my feelings telling me the truth, so if she does hate me, why would she lie for 5 years?

6. What Should I Do

If You Can Answer All 6 In good detail i will pick as best answer

sorry for posting this type of question again but i hardly got any answers, none of which were any good

thanks in advance ladies =]=]=](GIRLS) Please Explain This Girl To Me?? PLEASE!! I NEED YOUR HELP?
1- maybe she does not surely

2-of cource she does

3-don't ever think by this way

4-i don't know

5-i don't think she hates u, and don't try to ask her that

6- you should ignore her for a while if she care she will ask u why u r treating me this way??

if she don't so u hve 2 forget her

she is not the end of the world...(GIRLS) Please Explain This Girl To Me?? PLEASE!! I NEED YOUR HELP?
haha what country do u live in

1 idk its hard to say

2yeah maybe shes just one of those girls that says ily to every friend

3maybe she just likes talking to u at school and just thinks it would be akward hanging out

4 she doesnt know what else to do

5she just doesnt like to make enemies she wants people to talk to at school

6 if u like her as more than a friend ask her out when she ditches her loser bf and if u like her as a friend just ignore her its nott a huge deal try talking to other girls
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