Sunday, November 14, 2010

Can guys and girls be best friends without having a crush on each other at some point?

You always see little kids being friends with the opposite sex, but it seems like things change when they get into their teen years. things get complicated and you go from telling your best guy friend everything, to finding hidden meaning in your conversations, and blushing around him and you have no idea why...

With most of my guy friends, we've had feelings that were more than friendship for each other at some point, though not necessarily at the same time... So, do you think that it's possible for boys and girl to JUST BE FRIENDS? Or will there be romantic feelings at some point?

I think they can be friends, but most of the time, one of them or maybe both is gonna start to wish it was more... That doesnt mean the friendship will end. They dont always say how they feel, which most people say they regret later... Or they could say how they feel and the other person feel the same, so they give it a chance... Or they could say how they feel, and the other person might not feel the same way, but their such good friends that it doesnt change anything... And sometimes, it can make things akward and screw up a friendship eventually...

Most people I know that are friends with the opposite sex are either dating, or have tried dating at some point... VERY few haven't had feelings for one another, and those are ones that grew up together and are pretty much like brother and sister, or they aren't very close friends, and/or haven't known each other very long...

The main reason that I'm asking is because I think I'm starting to like one of my best guy friends... And I was wondering if I give it a while, maybe he'll feel the same way? Everyone keeps telling us we should date, but I love having him as a friend, and if we would date and break up, then it would suck... That's already happened between me and a guy I grew up with and now we hardly ever talk, it's kinda awkward...

Anyways, one of my friends suggested he ask me out and he said i'm like a sister to him... but I think he might be starting to see me as more, he was kinda flirting the last time I saw him :)

(I dont mean just casual friends... I know alot of boys and girls that are just casual friends and they dont have any problems... I mean, when your pratically best friends, and tell each other everything, and hang out all the time... Those kind of friendships seem to turn in to more, or not work out after a while.)

Let me know your thoughts on this, and if you have any advice for my situation, it would be VERY much appreciated! lolCan guys and girls be best friends without having a crush on each other at some point?
Boys and girls have trouble being friends when they're teens because hormones and stuff.... Most of my guy friends I have had feelings for a some point... but they pass. So the whole relationship thing will happen a lot. They'll date for a while and it normally doesn't work out... it's life. With you dating guys, it can't hurt to try, who knows what will happen! My friend once asked out a guy and it didn't work out, but when they were dating she met one of his friends and after they broke up she ended up going out with his friend! They're still together and they're majorly cute! So even if it doesn't work out with him, something great might happen in the process! With the guy you think you like the same thing happened for me, we both liked eachother but didn't want to ruin our friendship. Everyone thought we would be the PERFECT couple. Now it's a year later and he has a girlfriend. I think I made the wrong choice. So just ask him out! See what happens, tell him that it's pretty casual and you just want to see if anything will happen! It doesn't hurt to try! And if he doesn't like you that way tell him that you still want to be friends.Can guys and girls be best friends without having a crush on each other at some point?
I definitely agree with you ! =) absolutely. I think at SOME point--and it may be yearrrss after their friendship began--but at some point on of them, or both will have more romantic feelings for each other. It may not even be for very long, but i believe it does happen. and it's either spoken or unspoken, which is the mysterious thing about it. You never know--a guy friend of yours could be crushing on you, but don't know. it's a crazy thing. I've been friends with a guy for the past 3 years, and I just now started thinking about him as more than a friend =) a couple of years ago, i was friends with a guy for about a year before i started liking him in that way. For many, it can even be after a couple months lol Good question*

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