Saturday, November 13, 2010

Having a crush on your college advisor?

I remember last year, when I met my advisor, I thought she was really cute. So when I picked my classes in her office, I told her she was pretty and she kinf of giggled and said, ';Thanks!';

So anyway, she happened to be Black. So I started emailing her because I thought she seemed cool. Her and I conversed back and forth and she would reply to my emails.

I remember I actually talked to her once about interracial dating and I vented to her about my mother. I told her that mother doesn't approve of it. I DON';T KNOW WHY I brought it up with my advisor. It was probably because at the time, I had just gotten in an argument with my mother about it and I needed to vent.

I also asked her what she thought of interracial dating and she said she would date a White guy and that all that matters to her is how the guy treats her. I just hope she didn't say that because she felt pressured.

I didn't mean to make my advisor feel uncomfortable. I don't think she felt uncomfortable, maybe just a little shocked.

So, when I was off for Christmas break last year (Winter 2008), her and I talked more just about interests, movies and music. She would reply back and stuff.

I asked her if I was interfering with her work and she said I wasn't.

So anyway, when I went back to school for Spring registration, I noticed her eyes had looked terrible and she looked kind of depressed.

Maybe I was bother her after all?

So as a result, I stopped emailing her because I didn't realize how I was making her feel. It's been over a year since I've emailed her now.

I still think she seems like a nice person, she says hi to me whenever she sees me at school. She's like, ';Hi!'; in kind of a high, flirty(however you describe that) tone.

The scary thing was though, I remember when I went to her office for Spring registration, there was a campus security guard present in the office. I just hope he wasn't there because of me!

The funny thing is too, I went on Facebook and I realize she has a Facebook page. I looked on the pages that she's a fan of and I saw a page for a place that teaches POLE DANCING!!

You believe that?

Well technically, they teach other aerobics and stuff but I still thought it was funny and kind of sexy.

So what do you guys think? Was I a bad person or creeper for emailing her so much?

If she says hi to me at school, I'll say hi back. But I'm afraid to start a conversation with her out of fear making her feel uncomfortable.

I also told her that I prefer to date Black women.

I don't feel like that so much anymore though.

I'm still attracted to some Black women but I like all women really.

I notice if she's with one of her friends, she doesn't talk to me as much.

But she talks to me when she's aloneHaving a crush on your college advisor?
R u sure u wasn't act on a movie?

Coz 4 me, your problem seems like a movie script... Lol..

Btw, maybe she was not bothered by your presence...

Perhaps she is shy?


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