Sunday, November 14, 2010

Confused with my crush? I could use some advice?

I have posted this before and nobody has answered because its too long. And I find that sad because it could have been advice that puts me into a relationship. PLEASE answere it. I could really use your advice..

My crush is a Sophomore and im a Senior. She knows I like her because of a friend. She gave me her number when we were chatting on facebook. We have been texting each other for about 2 weeks now. When we were texting once she asked why I didn't just come up to her when i started liking her. I said because you were always with a friend and I didnt want to interupt and make an awkward moment. She replied that she wouldn't have cared and she thought it was cute. Through that whole time we had yet to meet in person. We arranged to meet tuesday before school. Sure enough I came to her like we arranged at the place and time. The spot was where she hangs out in the morning with all her friends so I knew she would not be alone.

When I went up to her tuesday morning this is what happened. Her face got very red. She kept asking her friends ';what?'; and ';shut up';. She was very nervous. I tried to get her to talk by asking questions or trying to start some conversation. All I got was small answer or sentence. When she talked she talked softly. She was very shy and shes NOT a shy person. When I talked to her she smiled and so did I. But when none of us were talking she avoided eye contact. After about 4 minutes I just said ';Ill leave you with your friends and ill talk to you later'; and I walked away.

She seemed embarassed/shy because she was with her friends although she said she would not care. It was more awkward for her than it was for me. Thats why I walked away. But I dont think she was embarassed and kept asking her friends ';what'; because im ugly, but because im attractive (not that im full of myself or anything). Maybe thats why she was so shy and nervous? I even cought one of her friends checking me out.

BTW I was not very nervous, twitchy, shaking or anything like that. I was as confident as I could be. Shes also single. She removed her relationship status on facebook and deleted the update that said so. I have had a suspision she likes me due to various reasons. Monday she told one of my friends in school to say hi to me for her. I told my friend to say hi back. He did and told me she smiled.

Tuesday afternoon I texted her apologizing if I embarrassed her. She said I didnt. We agreed to meet somewhere again away from her friends. I suggested a few places and the times and if they would work for her. She said another time would be better. I asked what worked best with her and she said ';i dont know yet';.

Yesterday, I told my friend to say hi to her for me like she told him on Monday. He did and she said hi back and smiled. But he said her body language did not reflect the smile. Almost as if she was too busy or more focused on getting to class then appreciating my message. Or she just hates me now. How my friend said she reacted really hurt me.

1). When she said ';I dont know yet'; did she truly want to see me again and did not know what time would work for her? Or did she not have the heart to say ';no';?

2). Should I not talk/text her until she talks to me first or gives me a time? Or after a day or 2 should I text her if she found a time?

3). When my friend said hi to her for me, why do you think she reacted that way?

4). I want to talk/text her and figure out if she hates me or likes me. In case she likes me I want to ask her in a nice manner. Maybe say ';if you think im a creep and you want me to leave you alone just say so. Be honest';. If she hates me then I dont want to waste her and my time with this. I just want to know what I should say to figure that out.

5). This mornig I saw her at her hang out spot from where i was standing. I was looking at her every minute. 2 times i glanced to look at her and I saw her looking at me. It only lasted a second because I looked away. Now she likes me again... WTF?

What do you think? Thank you soo much for answering. It means alot to me. I didnt mean to make this a novel but I have never seen a girl so perfect for me and I really want to make this work out.Confused with my crush? I could use some advice?
1. I think she really didn't know.

2. I would wait a while to text her, but if she is on facebook go ahead and talk to her and ask is she wants to hang out sometime.

3. She may have been disappointed that your friend said hi to her instead of you saying hi to her in person.

4. I think that you should just ask if she wants to hang out and see what she says.

5. Aw. You should be happy that she was looking at you. And to be honest I don't think she ever hated you.

I think she likes you, but just get shy sometimes!

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