Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Guy Friend+Majorr Crush = Help! (Going crazy :/ )?

Okay. So there's this guy in my class, lets call him Adam. . . %26amp; lately we've been starting to hang out a lot. I didnt notice him near the beginning of the year.

For the whole year, hes been hanging out with this girl in my class. (He got moved up a grade, so he doesnt have many guy friends. He usually just hangs around with us or his friends in his old grade) So the girl he hangs around, let's call her Hannah, with is a good friend, and I kinda didnt care but now I do since I like him, DUH. Sometimes I dont get him. Even my friends say that he likes me, but since they dont know I like him, I just deny it :O

So, he always sits next to me in one class even though we dont have assigned seats.

Once I caught him staring at me and he did the head-turn thing.

Once we was waiting for me to leave class so we could walk to the lockers together (I kinda freaked out during this :P )

And he's randomly been around a lot.

Also, a few days ago my teacher was making groups for Lit. Circles and she says, ';Who wants to read this book?'; . I raised my hand, and so did he and so did Hannah and my best friend and Hannah's best friend. Then I went, ';Oh, wait I've read this book.'; So I put my hand down %26amp; the teacher wrote down the names of the people with their hands still up. Then Adam went, ';Can we change our groups later?'; And the teacher said yes.

Plus, in the Computer Lab he was asking me how to get clipart. And in my head I was like, 'he doesnt know?' But I still told him. While I was talking, I glanced at his screen and realized he already had it ... ???

Plus he smiles a lot .. *sigh* he has the cuuutest smile WITH DIMPLES :)

Once in class, I asked to go return my library books and as I was leaving I heard him go, ';Oh yeah, can I go too?'; So once I got to the library, he came and I was giving my books back to the librarian. He was behind me in line. This girl came, ';Ohmigosh, you checked out THREE books?'; to me ,And he went, ';What does it look like?'; .. And as I was leaving (I didnt wanna wait for him cause then he might know I like him), I heard him ask the librarian if he had any overdue books. In our school, the librarian would just send you a note, but he just randomly wanted to go to the library even though he had no books to return. (?)

Plus he confided in me %26amp; told me about his ex. who broke up with him cause she likes his best friend. He told me he still likes her and not to tell anyone, but that was a long time ago. He hasnt talked about her since then.

But usually I see him around Hannah a lot. Hannah tells me that she hates him and he's annoying and stuff, and he says the same thing (You know how you randomly go 'I hate you' + 'I hate you too'.), But then they're around a lot. Plus, he usually doesn't reply on facebook. When he does, it's usually one word answers and answers to my questions that I ask, trying to keep up the convo.

The times he usually does reply more then one word is when the convo is about HANNAH and who she likes (its never him). He only started the conversation twice: Once while asking for homework, and once but he went offline immedietally (internet problems).

I dont get him .. sometimes it seems like he likes me, sometimes it doesnt. Sheesh -%26amp; they say girls are hard to understand :/ Seriously, I cant stop thinking about him. In the beg. of the year, he was the last thing on my mind. But when he started to get less shy about being the youngest in the class and started to talk, his personality caught me. The looks are just a bonus :)

Once or twice he randomly sits with Hannah in the class he usually sits with me ?

So, I really need your help, YahooAnswers people. It's almost summer and if I dont do anything, Im going to miss him SOOO much. I'll give Best Answer+5 star rating to the most thought out and helpful answer. Plus, we're in 7th Grade, if that helps. THANK YOUUUGuy Friend+Majorr Crush = Help! (Going crazy :/ )?
Since you sit next to him often,strike up a conversation about his ex.Ask him if she is still with his friend and how wrong that was.when he answers,ask him '; Are You Finally Over Her';? Whatever his answer,Then ask him ';Oh, I was curious because i thought you %26amp; Hannah had something going on';. This will give you answers whether he likes either one of them. Once you know that he does or does not have feelings for either one of them,You can take it from there.You will know if it is worth your time trying to get with him or to back off if he likes one of them.Show that you care about his feelings and he just might realize what he is missing ( YOU ). It seems like he is already interested,but you gotta make sure you are not wasting your time. Good Luck!!!!!Guy Friend+Majorr Crush = Help! (Going crazy :/ )?
Quit being a great big chicken and talk to him already.You don't have to ask him to marry you dufus.Just talk to him.Let it go from there it is obvious he likes you but if you keep denying you like him and crap, he is going to eventually give up, move on to a girl who IS interested in him and will talk to him and you'll be left out in the cold wanting him, not being able to have him and then asking us how to get him from her.

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