Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do I start a conversation with this girl??????????????????????????…

If your just going to answer without reading the quesiton and saying ';say hi how are you'; then don't answer.

I'm in 10th grade and I just moved to a new school district. School doesn't start until the 6th of September, but since I do X-Country I have to go to practice which started on the 13th of August. Anyway our X-Country practices in the track most of the time. On the other side of the track the cheerleaders practice there. Well when we usaully run around on the track we pass by them everytime. There is this one girl that I think I have a crush on, but I don't know how to start anything. No one on the X-Country team knows who she is except for that shes in 9th grade. I want to try and get something started before school starts, because once it does I won't have a chance (9th grade is a seperate building for 10-12).

I want to go up to her and just start talking, but that kind of seems weird but I don't know any other way.How do I start a conversation with this girl??????????????????????????…
';I want to go up to her and just start talking, but that kind of seems weird but I don't know any other way.';

That's not weird. That IS the way! Just go introduce yourself and talk to her! You don't need a story or an excuse to meet her. Don't play any games...just do it!How do I start a conversation with this girl??????????????????????????…
Well it depends on her. I wouldnt be ';freaked out'; if a guy smiled at me and said hi then started talking, as long as he was not creepy or talking about something creepy :/

Look out for her obvious interests such as props. Is she carrying or wearing something with the name of her favorite band/sporting team etc? It can be as simple as her wearing a lot of the same color. Start a conversation by simply smiling and commenting e.g. ';I see you like Nirvana'; or ';How long have you liked Nirvana for?'; or ';What made you like Nirvana'; and if she is interested she will too try and make conversation from her end.

Locations can also be used. For example if you see her in a park you can simply ask an open question such as ';Do you come to this park often?'; Or if she see her reading a book, or walking her dog you can ask her a question showing you are interested ';Nice dog, what breed is it?/You're really stuck into that book, whats it about?';

Once again if she is interested then she will ask you questions and keep the conversation going from her side.

The key is to looking open and approachable, this means smiling, not crossing your arms (Its like a mental and physical barrier to people) and showing you are interested in getting to know her. Also, make sure its a suitable time to approach her; Does she look busy or not in the mood to communicate?

Once you have started talking to her and she is responding you can move the conversation ';Whats your name? Im (Name), nice to meet you'; You can continue the subject you first started talking to her about if you are into the same thing, E.g her dog, or you can talk about other things to find out more things about her ';Do you live nearby?';. Taking it back to my Nirvana example, you can talk about her interest or if she do not share the same interest you can politely move it along and get to know her better at the same time ';What other bands/type of music do you like?';

If you find that you ARE running out of conversation or feel shy or uncomfortable then you can arrange to meet her on another day ';I would like to see you again, when is a good day for you to meet up?'; This will keep you both intriged about one another and give you time to use the information you have obtained this time baout her and think about what other thinks you can talk about.

Best of luck!
No I wouldnt find that creepy. Just ask her her name and stuff. It will probably come across as obvious that you want to get to know her. If she acts really uninterested you can walk away, and wont wonder what would have happened if you had the guts to say hi.
No girls like guys who can make the first move, but everyones different. just go for it, you have nothing to lose, and mistakes you make you learn from, take a chance and go for it :)

hope this helps

No I just would be surprised , that someone actually said hi to me , now if they kept bothering me , and I didnt know them yeah.
Nope, you got the right idea just wave and say hi and smile. Try the ';hey are you so and so, you look just like them'; routine, and when they say no I am not ask for her name and keep it going from there.
Well, start by saying something funny! That always worked on me. Then ask her questions about herself. Girls love to talk about themselves (everyone does). Even the prettiest of girls are very self doubting so in all likelyhood she thinks you are out of HER league!
Walk up to her and something like, ';What kind of tennis shoes are those?';

She will respond the type...

Then say, ';Oh, I like those shoes... ---my ex g/f had a pair of shoes those and she loved them... Do you like them?';

(This will get the conversation started...)
What's the worst thing that could happen? Just try some small talk first. Hi I'm ----- what's your name? You seem like a nice person. Would you like to hang out?...
Most conversations are started by asking a simple question. She might be in 9th and your in 10th look at the ages she is either a year younger then you or the same age. Walk up to her and ask her on what you think you should ask her. If she walks away from you just accept it and move on every guy has probably been rejected by a girl some point in his life. Rejection is something everybody has to face. If she doesn't want to talk to you maybe there is some other girl out there that you will like. Shyness won't get you anywhere. Don't be afraid and just talk to her start a simple conversation, and you never know what might happen, you might get a date or something or it could go the other way around and walk off and not talk to each other again, or you just walk off as friends or something.
Well if she's only in 9th grade starting a new school she would LOVE for a 10th grader to come talk to her she would be so flattered. Trust me. Im in 9th grade so i kinda know but anyway. It would be kind of awkward to just start talkin to her so mabye just go up to her and say hey i was just woundering if i could get your # and mabye we could hang out some time. Or you could say Hey me and my friends are going to the movies this (fill in the blank) and say i was woundering if mabye you and a couple of your friends wanted to come hang out. (or something like that). And make it like a group date until you get to know her better. Whatever you do just be confident no matter how you look she will most likely not say no. If she does turn you down there's always others= ) Good Luck

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